Saturday, July 25, 2020

Cherish 365

Artsy news, artsy news!

I'd been feeling the need for a new creative outlet for the past while, but was unsure about where or what or how to start. So, the covid gods stepped in (I refuse to believe they are all mean) and, poof, I discovered "Cherish 365", created by Jennifer Borget and LaShawn Wiltz. Basically, it's a daily photo challenge - much like the one I started this very blog to explore - but I base my daily pictures on a short prompt provided by Jennifer and LaShawn*:

This month's prompts list

I've so much enjoyed thinking hard about my interpretations, how to execute them, finding the perfect shot. The whole family even got in on the process.

And so, since by this point I know I'll be sticking with it, I thought I'd dust off this old space and use it for what it was intended for: 365 days of photos, to narrate my life, to immortalize the small details, to use my intuition - as a way to be more present - even if just for a short part of my day.

I will start from July 1st on my next post. ENJOY! And let me know if there are any special ones that pop out at you!

*Just a note, I've been using the wrong hashtag for almost the whole month! The correct one is #cherisheveryday365. And if you would like to follow Jennifer and LaShawn and Cherish 365 on Instagram, their handles are: @jenniferborget and @lashawnwiltz

Also, I had no idea I'd be publishing these outside Instagram so the quality of these pics isn't great - starting tomorrow I'll try to post higher resolution!

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