Thursday, December 31, 2020

December 30: Resolutions or Not? (365/366)

Not "resolutions" as much as "intentions."

I like finishing the year analyzing what has been and pondering what comes next. Last year, my intentions were to learn to cook more dishes, to read more books, to keep up my exercise routine, to find a therapist and to be more patient. I can honestly say I have fulfilled each of these  - more or less successfully (😅).

Needless to say, 2020 has been a mess. But it has also made me a better, stronger, more intentional person, and it has given me a sort of permission to cast away what no longer serves me. I wouldn't call it a silver lining as much as a side effect.

So. My intention for 2021 is more of the same, but also to expand my forms of self-expression, to continue to learn and to love audaciously and - the greatest 2020 lesson of all - to just freakin love myself: here, now, and as I am 💓

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